Fra Express stands for

Livrare la timp

On time delivery

Siguranța șoferilor și a mărfii

Driver and freight safety

Eficientizarea costurilor

Cost efficiency

Dezvoltarea pe sector de transport de nișă

Development in the niche transport sector

Our services

Our transportation services cover a wide range of industry and commerce, such as the machine building industry, technology, consumer goods, fairs, transportation and special events.

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Truck equipment

We have a fleet of mega and standard tarpaulin trucks with a global CMR insurance of 1.5 million Euros, but also a shipping department ready to communicate with customers in several languages of international circulation...

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About us

Fra Express is composed of a young and dynamic team, in continuous development, improvement and expansion.

With more than 10 years of experience in transport and logistics, we are always eager to improve the services we offer, depending on market requirements.